In this lesson, I will show you the end product of our lesson.
In this lesson, I will show you how to take measurement for our hoodie jacket.
In this lesson, we are going to draft our hoodie jacket.
In this video, we are going maker the pocket and Join the shoulder
Moving on, we will making the sleeves, wristband and sew the Sides of our hoodie jacket
We are slowly coming to the end of our course. In this lesson, we will make the waist band and add our label.
Pheeewww! If you've made it to this lesson, weldone. Here we are going to make the cap of our hoodie jacket

Meet your teacher
Simon Isaac is the CEO of 3rybe Signature with nine years of experience in the fashion industry. His passion for fashion has become a way of life, inspiring him to start his own brand and share his unique vision with the world. Simon's journey in fashion is a testament to his dedication and love for the craft.